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October 30, 2009


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Isabelle Jones

Hi Chris

Another great Prezi...Thanks for the mention too!


Mrs Crossley

truly inspiring. I was in total agreement when you said buy dicitonaries instead of text books and the increased independence is tangibile in our classrooms after only 15 months! We at Royds have gone down the same road as you delivering what we call Compelling Learning Projects via active learning. I am most interested in your Flip lessons and would love to know more about them. Do you have them regularly? Do they require as much planning as appears at first? Pupils setting their own LOs etc is the next step for us I feel.


Flip lessons happen once every 3 lessons. They do require a lot of planning, but the outcomes are worth it!

Mrs Crossley

thank you. I am surprised by the frequency - I had imagined about once a half term when you are at the end of a learning sequence. I shared your film with the department and it certainly gave us something to think about. The team were very positive. Thank you fort sharing.

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