I have taken the plunge and applied for the Google Teacher Academy 2013 in Sydney. Will I be picked as one of the 50 educators to attend the 2 day learnfest? I don't know but I have evey articulated joint crossed!
I did this for a number of reasons; I love learning, I love collaborating with others, I work in not one but two Google domain schools and I am constantly searching for tools that will allow the learners I am with to collaborate, communicate with genuine audiences and be truly creative in problem finding and solving. I hope that my application video demonstrates how deisgn thinking and Google can come together as a truly powerful fusion of technology and process which allows learners to drive their own learning forward and share it with the world andI hope you enjoy watching the video as much as I enjoyed making it :)
(BTW please watch it in beautiful HD)Speaking of which, a big thank you to my beautiful wife who filmed me writing and drawing whilst being sat on a chair on the kitchen bench and to my little boy (not so little, soon to be 8!) who not only supplied the coloured pens, but also the inspiration to treat every learner with respect and care and every learning moment as precious.